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Salva Tres Palmas Film

See yourself as an Ocean Lover or just falling in love with it? Sweet! Now what? Well, like everything else in life to be kept this also requires a distinctive price to be paid. This is exactly what this documentary SALVA TRES PALMAS is all about. This film emphasizes, details, and describes the ongoing effort this community endured over the years for protecting coastal natural resources around the Rincon, Puerto Rico area, which host the healthiest Elkhorn Coral Reef in the entire Caribbean where it sets home for a vast biodiversity of marine life.

I had the opportunity to converse with Carlos Gonzalez, Rincon Cultural Center, approximately three years ago when he narrated the beginning of a surfing era in this exact place where he was part of and how it has changed over the course of the time. He stated that we need to protect these waters since it’s one of the few gems the island has to offer to the whole world. Fun fact he brought up to the conversation was that Rincon doesn’t have a single traffic light. That’s how humble, simple, and “remote” this place is. Let's care about it.

I also had the opportunity to chinwag with Leon Richter, Surfrider Campaign Coordinator, where he alludes the victory of proclaiming TRES PALMAS as a MARINE RESERVE thanks to the COMMUNITY EFFORT. That was the key!

Next time we might ALL do it TOGETHER!


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